Ok, so I kept saying all week that I'll let you know what's been going on but I've been too tired to do so. My next door neighbour has music on which means that despite the fact it's 2am and I'm going to Edinburgh at 6.30am tomorrow morning I'm not going to get any sleep. So figured I may as well update my blog and get on with my work. So term is nearly over, Christmas is nearly here. Life is chaotic! I have two essays left to write. One for Wednesday is for one of the lecturers I was out drinking with on Monday and seen as well I told him excitedly all the work I'd been doing for it that week he's now expecting an amazing essay and it's really not going to be! The other is a chunk of my dissertation. Any chunk, however long I want, but she'll be expecting about 2,000 words and so far I've done none....eeek!
On Monday (as I may have mentioned!!) we had the theology ball, which was great fun. There were stuff about it I was concerned about (and rightly so it turned out) but nonetheless I had a great night!
Tuesday was the first Christmas formal. Only just making it to my 4.15pm (and completely humiliating) lecture, I was in no fit state to be Christmassy. No food was eaten, no wine drunk and my camera I discovered there was out of charged batteries.
Wednesday I went to watch a play my friend is producer for. It was called ...thespacebetween...and is a student-written and performed play. The script was morbid, disturbing and the girl who wrote it should be in therapy. But it was also fascinating and included a lot of the concepts one of my modules involves, and so I enjoyed it immensely (and the others thought me odd for doing so I think!)
Thursday I was just about recovering from Monday. Able to walk properly again we had our second Christmas formal which I had literally 7 minutes from returning from lectures to get to. Able to face one alocholic drink that night I left early to get some sleep (which never happened due to firealarms and drunken housemates)
And so today has been a day of catching up on things. The rest of the week does look pretty busy and manic but I just keep looking at my life in retrospect of last Christmas and thinking, :-)

brand new outfit- all bought that day! but you can understand now why I had to walk home barefoot...

the play I went to see on Wednesday night..

Thursday's Christmas formal

Aidan's 12 days of Christmas...
Labels: Christmas