Ok, I know I've been useless at updating this recently. To be perfectly honest I just haven't had the energy to do it. When I have been at home I've either been too tired or lazy to find my camera and update photos etc. I've had a busy couple of weeks though and with the ridiculous heatwave it's been very hard work! After Birmingham last Wednesday big bro arrived home from his trip on Friday morning, Saturday we had all the family round to see him, Monday parents and little bro (who's not that little!) went to Menorca. On Monday afternoon I took Wayne out for his birthday to the cinema, Tuesday went shopping and nursed a very bad hangover with Jen, Wednesday met up with some people from high school I haven't seen in ages and today I dropped Martyn off to go to Lourdes and throughout all that I've worked every night and a couple of days inbetween there. I so wanted to crawl on that coach this morning and be smuggled away for 8 days- it's just what I need!
However what I did get was a number of quotes out of the film me and Wayne went to see (Superman Returns). Ignore the red cape bits and there's some interesting theological things in it...and I thought I wouldn't get anything out of the film!
- gods are selfish beings who fly around in red capes and don't share their powers with the rest of the world
- The universe is a large place and even if you're the last you're not alone.
- I see you've already met the munchkin! (my personal favourite ;-))
- [humans] can be a great people, they only lack the light to show them the way
- The world doesn't need a saviour
- You wrote that the world doesn't need a saviour, but every day I hear people crying for one.
- You will see your life through my eyes and my life will be seen through yours. The son becomes the father and the father becomes the son.
Meanwhile a film I watched the other night after work of which I can't remember the name:
- Never trust anyone who listens to the sound of music and is over the age of ten!
And out of my current book 'How far can you go?' by David Lodge, about a group of Catholic students in the 50's nad 60's dealing with being a Catholic in society and breaking all the rules:
- 'English Catholics have the worst of both worlds. No wonder the're so repressed'
- At some point in the nineteen-sixties, Hell disapeared. No one could say for certain when this happened. First it was there, then it wasn't.