Vocations Vocations
For this next post I need to take my RE teacher's head off before I get in serious trouble!! But how come I was the only one, who when Fr Kieran walked onto the set of Hollyoaks last week and was accosted by the McQueen girls, said that he would end up being gay, and would get with John Paul the only lad in the house, who just so happens to be gay! And what do you know this week, JP gets hurt by some tosser, and Kieran admits....it was just so obviously going to happen. The question now of course is what line is Hollyoaks going to take? My guess is they wont be able to resist the scandal of gay Catholic priest. But so far I have to give them their credit where credit's due. Some fantastic lines in today's episode FK 'Do you not think that I get lonely' JP 'yeah but that's your choice' FK 'no this is my calling, I have to do it' and then of course it all lead up to that big line at the end FK 'I know exactly how you feel because I'm gay' before he looked mortified and walked out. I'm torn between whether I want John Paul to enjoy another scandlous relationship (because he always does it so naively- oooh, and then Craig can come back from Dublin, and walk into ex-fioncee Sarah , who will have just found out her Dad and best mate are sleeping together, before finding John Paul in bed with the local priest!!!!) or whether it should focus on the difficulties of vocation and giving up what you want for what you know you have to do. I didn't really lose my re teacher's head there did I?! but I did find a lovely picture of John Paul (can't find any yet of Fr Kieran!)
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