Wednesday, June 28, 2006

England win the World Cup...

Ok, so I was innocently watching the tennis yesterday at the gym when the music channel began to play one of the World Cup Anthems for this year. I've heard a couple of them on the radio but none that quite jumped out at me like this one. It can't be denied that Peter Kay did wonders for Tony Christie's return to our scene, and it's because of him that everytime I walked past Amarillo in Helsinki I'd start singing 'Shalalaa lalalalalaa'. But this is just....well see for yourself!Tony Christie's World Cup Anthem based on his original '(Is this the way to) Amarillo. Brings back memories of a certain Lithuanian entry in the Eurovision......

Monday, June 26, 2006

Game, Set and Match

Wimbledon offers everything that it is to be English. It conjures images of Strawberries and Cream, cups of Tea and of course....rain! Every year the word makes people think of vast audiences sat in sunglasses and hats enjoying the tennis and gorgeous British sunshine, when really we know that the more familiar scene is that of the ball-boys and girls running across the pitch with the covers as the heavens open. True to form, starting today, the grey skies are here and it's trying to raing. But with the World Cup reaching the quarter finals there is really no hope for getting anything done. The tv's on the new machines at the gym mean it's not too much to leave the house (as the Queen's tournament leading up to Wimbledon has shown to me) but any work on my dissertation....I wonder if it's too late to change my title and write about the effects of tennis on people's religious practice....hmmmm!

Drinking in Durham et al.

Last week saw me with another visit up to Durham and with the boys in Amsterdam it gave the girls plenty of excuses to go out and have fun! (and forget/celebrating the fact people were getting results all week) With only four days in Durham I included a trip to Newcastle for Kaz's 21st, a nail-biting 'I still carry Finnish prejudices' football match, meals out with CathSoc'ers and Theologians, Dissertation meetings, International Student Reps meeting, signing up for a room for next year, numerous visits around the city to sort out forms and suchlike for next year and sorting out that this year I was actually abroad!, a visit to the Angel of the North and of course the 'going down dinner' or graduate formal on the last night. Needless to say I drove back from Durham on Friday and consequently slept for 13 hours! It was really, really good to see everyone again though, and I thoroughly enjoyed catching up and chatting till the early hours of the morning each night.
It's results day for the Theology and Religion Department...
...and all are seemingly pleased!
Two extremely proud first class theologians :-)
Me, James and Sarah looking ever so slightly happy!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

It could be you...

There's one thing about studying theology- although just about everyone studying it is weird, and you come to accept that that must mean you are actually a freak- it also means that it's the small things in life that can amuse you. The door which I included in my Ampleforth post tickled me but it was this sign in the back of church today that gave me another reason to add to my list in remembering that the Church is in fact crazy! But should I really be worrying though that my name could appear on such a list rather than laughing at the thought of a death list dated for six months time?!oh well...there's no hope for me anyway so no point worrying about it now!

Sacraments Galore!

What a weekend! I've had the opportunity this weekend to fully experience the wonderful life of sacraments. Saturday saw me drive to Bradford for Chris' ordination and it was, as always, nice to see people I haven't seen in so long. For some reason though I have no pictures from this. Then I rushed to Barnoldswick and got there 20mins before Mass started-perfect timing. (We wont mention it was supposed to be an hour but I got lost!) Then today was the baptism of Nathan Edward. It was made super special by a surprise visit from Uncle Barry who flew in from Richmond this morning specially on his way to Brussells for business. Everyone was shocked to see him and it completed Fathers Day perfectly. It's been a busy weekend and tomorrow I'm heading up to Durham again until Friday where I have the joyful job of signing up for a room and registering for next year.
We have a priest, a baby, mum and dad, godparents and God...lets the games commence
A true Lynch at heart methinks- Nathan guzzling the wine after a hard day entering God's family (I think I'd be on a bottle if I'd gone through that!)
Sarah and me catching up on life and flying rats (it's a long story!)

Friday, June 16, 2006

Deal or no deal?!

ok, so i said i'd never get addicted. that it was boring and a waste of time. there was no skill involved, no brains needed. and yet how come every day at 4.15pm I'm sat in front of the tv watching 'deal or no deal?' ???!!! i'm desperately wanting these people I've seen open a box for 17 days win the money they deserve(?!), and there's something strangely attractive about the mystery banker...
still as I learnt today- on the 200th show (which for some reason is reason enough to put a comment on here about it) I would have no hope as I don't really like chicken crisps and my starsign of pisces lets me down...shame. I'll just have to stick to the degree and erm...wonder where that will get me in life instead!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Trip to Lancaster

Went to Lancaster last night to visit Jen and meet all the people I've heard about for three years. After food and cocktails in Lancaster we then got the bus to Morecambe and had a night out at the Carleton. Great fun and good to see Jen again, although I think we scared her friends a bit with our Wigan brashness. Two of us is a bit much to take on! (They should see our whole group when we get out- even I'm scared of us then!)

Friday, June 09, 2006

Football Fever

I've spent a year telling everyone in Helsinki that the Brits aren't too patriotic and yet everywhere I turn at the moment I see a red St George's cross- actually make that 6 of them! Football has taken over everyone's life. The weather is a far too hot 30 degrees and with the first game tomorrow it looks perfect for the bbq's planned everywhere. I on the other hand am about to settle down with a book for my dissertation and scowl at the sun for making me sneeze! Who know's though- maybe I'll be able to make the game tomorrow if I get enough done now! :-) How's the football fever elsewhere in the world?

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Baswalands reunited

The Baswalands are back in town (or Tesco in this case) watch out Wigan!!!

Aidan's beer festival

3rd time lucky...actually made Aidan's beer festival this year!
Adam drinking 'Williams' beer
me and Krissy
Amy and Jimmy :)
Tom looking pleased to see me back!


3rd year running- back to Ampleforth. Every year is different, every year has it's ups and downs there and this year was no exception. Just a couple of pictures...
3 wise monkeys
sunset over the school fields
confessional...of a sorts
Ampleforth Abbey and school
walk to the lake

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Back up to Durham today. After stopping off in college tonight to see everyone I'll be making the annual trip with my two monkeys to Ampleforth Abbey near York in order to complete the photo set. Then it's back to Aidan's for the beer festival on Sunday which I should make this year- third time lucky! Monday I've then got to race back to Wigan for a 21st so it's all go go go! Looking forward to seeing everyone I haven't seen since last June though. :)