I discovered today that the best thing in the whole world is...................Fresh Air!!!! Lol. Yes I think I am actually going insane. There's just four hours of lectures left of my degree and with 5 days left of being able to show my supervisor anything of my dissertation, I'm ever so slightly stressed out with work!!
For that reason I've been locked in my room for two full days. I stepped outside today and I can't even begin to describe the elation of, 'my God, how good is fresh air!', and instead of staying in and doing some work I went for a walk for a little over an hour. It was amazing!!! I fully recommend it anytime...
Having said that, last night I had a CD on and was like, how beautiful is Pachelbel's Canon (whatever Rob Paravonian might say!) I think I'm that absorbed in my degree I've become overly appreicative of everything!!
So while I'm on the recommendations rant...yesterday I watched a film with some of the girls in college. We watched Devil's Advocate because two of them hadn't seen it before, and if you've not seen it you HAVE to. One of my lecturers gave a talk last week on the Devil in Cinema and he said it was his favourite portrayal of the Devil. But it's one of Keanu Reeves' better films and Al Pacino is just amazing (as usual). Definitely, definitely worth a watch.
I also started listening to the song 'The Spanish Train' by Chris de Burgh to see whether it was relevant to my dissertation. I don't think it's stopped playing since. I'm worried as to how fond I've become of it, and even dedicated a whole section of a chapter to a theme around it- I like it :-)
And last but most definitely not least we watched a French-Canadian film in our lecture course a couple of weeks ago. It's called Jesus of (de) Montreal and is directed by Deny Arcand. It's become a firm favourite of mine and I've been sat looking at it on play.com and amazon since wondering if I should just blow the money and buy it (which I'm blatently going to do). It's not as hardcore as the other Jesus films we've been watching as it's an allegory rather than a biopic, but it is absolutely outstanding. Everyone must see it!! It's just...amazing. So if you're looking for something to do this Easter- watch this!