Friday, March 23, 2007


This week has been a long week in school. I've been up at 6am everyday and kept busy all day every day between re and the chaplaincy. But it's been good. A lot of what they teach isn't that different from what I learnt- I guess I'm not that old!- but one section I've enjoyed observing is the year 10 classes is religion in the media. Using films like Keeping the Faith and Sister Act, which I've bored you all to tears with in the past, the kids have been looking at what religious morals and issues come across in T.V and films. I went to the cinema tonight to chill with Jen. We had no idea what to watch and randomly chose Premonitions, with Sandra Bullock. It is packed with issues to do with the church, although almost subtly done, not appearing until three quarters of the way through the film. I've just been looking at some of the reports on the film and it's got a lot of criticisms. But for me, it was one of the best films I've seen in a long time. It's the sort of thing I'd have watched with Mis late at night last year, not my typical choice of genre, but definitely definitely worth seeing as far as I'm concerned!!
And just for a few thoughts, remembering the faith scene in keeping the faith, this one tells us 'Faith is just searching for somthing beyond yourself. like hope....and love' It also talks about the 'danger of the faithless' being a 'curse' or a 'miracle'. As usual I have my own opinion on these phrases but watch the film, and see what you think yourself!


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