Thursday, October 12, 2006

Why not to do a BA in arts...

I just found this website about an Australian theatre production with the opening quote:
what lies behind us
and what lies before us
are tiny matters when compared
with what lies within us (Ralph Waldo Emerson, poet and philosopher)
My initial thought was, I love it! Can be saved along with Maria's 60,000 other quotes stored in various places of her life.
THEN I started thinking about the presentation I gave today on the Jesus of History vs the Christ of Faith and whether the two could actually be separated or indeed joined together. We pretty much came to the conclusion that when in a relationship with anyone you learn about them through their history as well as their present and so to just live with the Christ of Faith is impossible without some of the Jesus of History, but to just learn about the historical person of Jesus makes him another person in history and not alive through the resurrection, in our lives today. So re-reading over that quote means that what lies within us IS what lies behind us. and will make what lies before us. So basically it's a load of rubbish. Thank you degree for making me the most cynical person in the world...think I was happier when my quotes used to excite me!


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