Thursday, October 12, 2006

Start of term...

So the posts kind of stopped half way through fresher's week- I have no excuses other than that I was absolutely knackered. After Prehistoric night we had toga night with corridor drinking games, 70's night on the Pince Bishop boat, a Celidh and kareoke for Futuristic night. All the nights were actually great fun. On the Wednesday morning we also attended matriculation at the University which was a very cute little service and makes me proud to be at a traditional university like Durham. Amidst all these crazy nights I was trying to register (which 6 months down the line was still causing me a lot of grief) and starting lectures. I've now had a lecture in each of my modules and a dissertation meeting and so am ready to fight the year. The work has been good so far but I'm already feeling a bit swamped by the level of academia here. Maybe it's because I haven't done much theology since the end of April but there's a part of me that just feels inferior to all the other third years here- I'm sure it will just take some work, and I've been spending a lot of time in the library already. I have my first presentation tomorrow afternoon which should be fine (hopefully!) but am not happy that fresher's flu, which has been lingering and threatening me for a week finally hit in last night. I've spent all day today in bed shivering and shaking with a pain in my head that I think would have been less painful if a gun had been put to it and shot. But finally now, at about midnight my heads clear enough (though still very painful- as is my back, and my throat is still burning) to do a bit of work. The joys of being a student!


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