Friday, September 08, 2006

because of you....

So I did it. I got on a plane and went to Budapest to see Mis. However last minute it was, however unplanned, it was one of the best decisions I've made in a long, long time. Perhaps not the best picture me and Mis have had taken here but I think it just sums up the week. All we did was laugh, from the moment we met on Sunday night to when I had to leave Thursday morning. We laughed at all the memories from Helsinki, all the things that in the last twelve months made our year so amazing and we laughed at all the muppetish things we've done since, particularly when we were together in Budapest! The week was full of so many random things that was so much a part of our relationship it felt as though we hadn't seen each other in a day, not four months.

Really randomly one night we walked into the same bar that Eileen and Jen were in (friends from high school who I'd flown out to Budapest with but then left once we got to the airport) and so it was nice for Mis to meet a bit of my life and it was amazing for me to see so much of his life. Amazingly enough we didn't take any photos at all!!! We were too busy just spending the time we could together. I miss him so much again already and part of it feels like a backward step from how much I've come on since Helsinki, but it's not at all really. We've proved how strong our friendship is, and when we met up with Eni, David and Adri who were all in Helsinki with us we saw how natural it is to pick up where we left off. So, however much it hurts to leave, it just makes me more excited for the next time...whenever that may be!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, sooner or later, we'll see each other again... will bring a lift and a tree from Andrássy Boulevard with me, just in case :) Dave

1:33 PM, September 12, 2006  

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