Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Fresher's Week: Prehistoric Night

Tuesday night: Prehistoric Night! I've been knackered all day but somehow found the energy to get into the spirit of tonight. As a sabor-tooth tiger my teeth that Clare made for me caused a stir amongst everyone (and the fact that Becky couldn't look at me without laughing all night!) I also grew very fond of my furry tail and am thinking of making it a permanent fixture! It also meant that I got to wear my gorgeous chocolate brown jeans and boots which I missed so much when I was in Finland. All in all a good night. We did some fun games with the fresher's and the bbq seemed to go well. The fresher's all excelled themselves in costumes and although I've opted for a quiet night in as I'm up at 6.30am tomorrow for uni matriculation I should imagine it will turn into a good night out for everyone who's gone!


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