Fresher's week: Ice Age formal.
Everything at Aidan's is nothing but manic at the moment! I got back here last Saturday and we've been preparing all week for the fresher's to arrive. From last Wednesday my international students started arriving and then all the English fresher's showed up on Sunday. Sunday was a long day. Many of us were up from 7.30am and didn't get to bed till 1am (due to an unplanned house party we started after the bar had closed) working the whole day. By yesterday afternoon after another very early start and matriculation the whole exec and freshers reps looked knackered- and we were. I managed to get a forty minute sleep in which I was very pleased about! But as you can see from this picture above we managed to find the energy to give the fresher's a proper Aidan's formal. The theme of the week is 'Aidan's through the Ages' and last night was the 'Ice Age' formal. It was great fun and gave me an opportunity to meet lots more freshers. After the meal and the bop in the jcr some of us headed into town and partied late into the night at loft. Good job we've got a day off today (well I have to register in town) until Prehistoric night tonight.
the three girls I was sat at the formal with, Sabrina, Harrie and Emma.
My daughter Louise who I met last night for the first time.
the three girls I was sat at the formal with, Sabrina, Harrie and Emma.
My daughter Louise who I met last night for the first time.
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