Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Old habits die hard

I went for a walk this evening. Just needed to clear my head, get the coggs going that have been so stifled all week. It was lovely to be able to head out in just jeans and a hoody! It's been a long time since I walked the streets of Durham. I had an ice cream for my dry, sore throat and my ipod playing. One of the songs I'd downloaded today came on (that's what happens when you play the recently played list!) The song is one I first sang at Camilla's wedding a month ago, but also one I sang in Birmingham this weekend. Typical p&w song really. But there was something about it...I dunno maybe it's with the context of this weekend, it got me thinking. I found my feet walking me towards church, even though I'd originally dismissed walking in this area of the city as it would be too busy with too many people around and I wanted space. My attendance in church this year has been abysmal, i know. But this song fired something up inside me and I found myself looking at Mass times (cos it's been that long I've forgotten them all!). Then I walked back up past the prison and finally back to college. It has been weird being back in Durham. So much of my old life and the person I used to be wrapped up in the places I go to. Maybe I needed some familiarity tonight, I don't know, but there was definitely something comforting in, just for a few moments, feeling right again near these places.


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