Speaking of what we know not of....
These last two nights I've been watching 'Make me a Muslim'. I was addicted to 'The Monastery' in 2005. 'The Convent' in 2006 made me distraught! But with a project to complete in a couple of weeks on Islam I thought this would be a fascinating programme, and it's certainly been that! One particular guy in it has really annoyed me though. He's a taxi driver in Harrogate and to begin with continued to eat pork, drink alcohol and go to lap-dancing clubs. His view was we live in England and there are enough Muslim countries. We don't need their rules and regulations where they don't fit here. I hate the ignorance of comparing a nation with a faith. If he knew anything about his nation he would know that it's Christian by tradition- another dogmatic religion, so similar to Islam, with such similar histories. We have a monarchy, the head of the Church of England and Bishops within our government. His view of Britain was a hedonistic, free country where everyone has a right to their own life. He's looking at his home country through rose tinted glasses and contradicting himself in the process.
As if I wasn't irritated enough by him (although he did start to give them a chance) he then turned around and belittled all world religions saying they were wrong. He said that religions were only about a short space in time, a couple of thousand years old and the world was older than that. He then quoted from the Bible saying, it says 'In the beginning was the word' and said so therefore the Bible's wrong from the start because it didn't start with Jesus. AGAIN, if you're going to argue against it so arrogantly get your facts right. Genesis begins the Bible with the creation of the world, with two different creation stories- the creation of the world and the creation of man. The gospel of John begins with in the beginning was the word and the word was made God. That is not saying the beginning of the world began with Jesus, it's saying the beginning began with the word- the logos, God. God then came down through the incarnation as Jesus for humans to be able to grasp a concept of the logos. It has nothing to do with when the world was created and to dismiss all religions and to say 'If I'm proven wrong and it's proven God exists then fair enough but if I'm proven right I want every religion to say so' is missing the point altogether. He's completely missed the purpose of the program and of faith. It's got nothing to do with proof but a complete intoxication of the self, something he might begin to appreciate even if not understand if he followed the fasting and routine offered within Islam.
Rant over!
As if I wasn't irritated enough by him (although he did start to give them a chance) he then turned around and belittled all world religions saying they were wrong. He said that religions were only about a short space in time, a couple of thousand years old and the world was older than that. He then quoted from the Bible saying, it says 'In the beginning was the word' and said so therefore the Bible's wrong from the start because it didn't start with Jesus. AGAIN, if you're going to argue against it so arrogantly get your facts right. Genesis begins the Bible with the creation of the world, with two different creation stories- the creation of the world and the creation of man. The gospel of John begins with in the beginning was the word and the word was made God. That is not saying the beginning of the world began with Jesus, it's saying the beginning began with the word- the logos, God. God then came down through the incarnation as Jesus for humans to be able to grasp a concept of the logos. It has nothing to do with when the world was created and to dismiss all religions and to say 'If I'm proven wrong and it's proven God exists then fair enough but if I'm proven right I want every religion to say so' is missing the point altogether. He's completely missed the purpose of the program and of faith. It's got nothing to do with proof but a complete intoxication of the self, something he might begin to appreciate even if not understand if he followed the fasting and routine offered within Islam.
Rant over!