No Niin!
Well- what can I say really?! I think I should take the credit here cos since I went to Finland they've won both the Eurovision Song Contest AND the Eurovision Dance Competition. As an avid Eurovision supporter it's obviously my enthusiasm that has put them up there at the top of Europe. It also explains for Ireland doing so well aswell! As you may have gathered, I was more than at home last night watching the events. There were lots about it that made me smile- but mainly the stereotype casts that the Eurovision seems to excel in. I particularly liked the comment Len and Bruno made on the Finns when they said- They are the best dancers here technically but they just lack passion. Then later on Claudia asked them if they'd had a stressful week as they had only been selected for the competition a week earlier and the reply was 'stress? no... we have worked hard and are ready' :-) I miss the Finnish people! And the Irish...well it's the Irish people who remind me I actually do have a heart, because it stops beating whenever I see/hear anything remotely Irish. That Irish dancing in the show.....just to die for. It really does make me catch my breath, and as for the young Irish lad dancing- just awwww! The Pole's also did themselves proud and I loved the music they used. I am a bit of a fickle character in that if I like the music half the battles been won, and the Polish music was great- esp. the first song- maybe I should take my Polish hairdresser up on her offer to go out wiht her brother this week if they've such good taste in music!!! I was also amused to see so many dances with items of clothing being ripped off. When Abba did it so famously in the song competition it caused a storm, and so last night I lost count at the 5th act that included it in their freestyle- and more often than not revealing the country of their home- what pure cheese! But all that can be said really after last night is bring on 2008, and Hyvaa Suomi!!!